
Showing posts from June, 2011

WO-MANNEQUIN - Head n' Torso

WO-MANNEQUIN Head n' Torso design made by me using grocery bags and wallpaper paste. May not be the most beautiful but she won't talk back to you and will never gain weight. LOL. I know that's corny. Here are some pics!

WO-MANNEQUIN - Head 'n Bust

WO-MANNEQUIN - Head 'n Bust MEASUREMENTS Height - 19" Width - 11" Depth - 8" This one I really had a time making it. The ears were the hardest part because, when you make something by hand and not using a mold, there is no promise that they will result being the same size, level or quality. So it took a few tries to make the ears. Here are a few pics with MY PEACE of JEWELRY displayed on the Head 'n Bust - WO-MANNEQUIN NECKLACES EARRINGS MY PEACE of JEWELRY

WO-MANNEQUINs Jewelry Display

I really like working with my hands, so I started making my own jewelry display mannequins, which I call WO-MANNEQUINs. Get it? Combine Woman and Mannequin and get WO-MANNEQUIN! Ok, it's kind of corny. Anyway, here are a few pics with my MY PEACE of JEWELRY displayed (of course) on them. WO-MANNEQUIN - bust WO-MANNEQUIN - bust