WO-MANNEQUIN - Head n Torso
I recently posted on Etsy this WO-MANNEQUIN that I made out of paper bags and wallpaper paste using the paper mache' technique. It requires much patience. Since I can only post 5 photos on Etsy, I am posting the rest of the pics here, showing how the WO-MANNEQUIN can be used to display necklaces, earrings, hats, scarves and t-shirts. You can display a LONG earring from either profile, It accommodates hook earrings only. This WO-MANNEQUIN is awesome and is great for displaying everything! DISPLAY - NECKLACES DISPLAY - Necklace and Earrings Set DISPLAY - Earrings DISPLAY - Chandelier earring - right profile DISPLAY - Scarf DISPLAY - hat DISPLAY - T-shirts MY PEACE of jewelry WO-MANNEQUIN can be purchased on Etsy