How I Wear MY PEACE of jewelry - Sea Bean Pendant and Boot Cut Jeans

Let me start off repeating,
I'm not a fashionista
I'm here to show how I 
Wear MY PEACE of jewelry 
with My Outfit
Reason, I am saying this with this post
is I look like a little disheveled
My t-shirt was either above my belly button or below
and not tucked in right,
My sweater was lopsided
My jacket was crooked
I just could not look pulled together
Anyway, it's what I wore and it's what I'm showin'
plus MY PEACE of jewelry
It's starting to cool on the West Coast
I'm excited to be wearing again my favorite item
I love boots.
Especially leather, worn in, low heeled boots
These are some cowboy boots I bought online, Ebay
You can get the best price for boots on Ebay

The best cut jeans to wear with these mid-thigh boots
are boot-cut

as for the rest of My Outfit
layering an authentic camouflage jacket - thrift store
beige sweater - Brandy & Melville
army green purse - thrifted

I kept MY PEACE of jewelry simple, natural, from the earth and rustic.
It's a Sea Bean, better known as a Sea Heart featured on a chain.

Sea Hearts are produced in huge, hanging bean pods, up to six feet long.
known as Monkey Ladder Vines that are found throughout wet lowland forests of the tropics.

Although the Monkey Ladder vines may be 3 - 6 feet long,
the pods are rather flimsy and typically break apart into 10 or more compartments. 
Each compartment holds a sea bean
The tropic forest floor is often littered with these multiple compartments, 

 Each compartment contains a shiny, brown seed resembling a large bean made of polished hardwood.
The seeds usually are 2 1/2 inches across and often resemble wooden hearts.
Because of the hollow cavity and a thick, woody covering
the seed is very buoyant and resistant to decay. 

Torrential rains commonly wash the seeds into streams and rivers
where they are carried into the sea.
In the sea, the seeds start a new career as "sea hearts". 
Literally millions of sea hearts ride the ocean currents of the world
drifting for months or years--
eventually washing ashore on the beaches of distant continents or exotic tropical islands.

My sea heart looks awesome on a chain

I layered the necklace with another of MY PEACE of jewelry necklace

The necklace will soon be available on Etsy.
In the meantime, I do have one available, which is a more complex necklace.

Amber Seed Bead & Sea Bean Necklace on Etsy

Handmade Jewelry & Mannequins on Etsy

It's Monday,
don't forget to check out



  1. Disheveled or not, you just look cool! I love boots, too. They do something to your walk and your entire attitude. I've never bought any on eBay though. I like to be able to try them on.

    Love those necklaces - so pretty.

    1. Thanks, Val. Yeah go on Ebay. They have amazing deals on boots. I always buy men's used boots on Ebay. Price range from $20 - $25 for great leathered boots.

  2. Hi there! You look amazing- effortlessly stylish and chic and your necklaces are fabulous, I love the story behind the sea bean xx

    1. Thanks, Sharon. Yes the Sea Heart is a beautiful natural wonder.

  3. Unglaublich, was die Seebohne erlebt, welche Reise sie hinter sich hat, bis sie so ein schönes Schmuckstück wird.
    Ich mag Deinen Look gerade weil er so lässig ist. Die Stiefel hätte ich auch gerne.
    Lieben Gruss

  4. You don't look disheveled at all. I love that easy breezy look...& the necklace compliments the whole outfit.


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