How I practice happiness

practice happiness
is a phrase 
that I've hand stamped 
on brass metal and made into CUFF
Did you know happiness is an emotion 
that can, needs and must be practiced? 
It is.

Instead of highlighting 
My Outfit

I want to highlight what I did and saw this July 4th weekend
that reminded me that everywhere 
you can
practice happiness

In my apartment complex
roses blooming

at my apartment complex
a bee doing his business

3rd Street Promenade

buying a special friend a couple of books about his idol
John Coltrane

Ocean St.
admiring these trees

riding my bike to the beach

hanging out with my DAD at his house 
He loves karoake
I like it a lot

coming home to a t-shirt I had ordered from a great shop on Etsy called

It's an awesome shop, which features calligraphy
The artist Joni James is a fantastic calligraphist

Calligraphy is a poem, phrase, or word in which the typeface, calligraphy or handwriting
is arranged in a way that creates a visual image. 
The image created by the words expresses visually what the word, or words, say. 

I purchased two t-shirts
Here is Miles Davis formed from calligraphy

Photo credit CalligramORama, Joni James

She has a lot of items to choose from,. She has a huge variety of card illustrations

Please check out her Etsy shop CalligramORama
You will not be disappointed.

As for my shop, I have hand stamped CUFFs that originally 
made for myself to help remind me that I need to practice
happiness, love, self love, kindness...

What emotion do you feel you need to practice?

Handmade jewelry & mannequins on Etsy

It's Monday
that means you must check out the ladies at
Not Dead Yet Style Visible Monday
und meine Deutsche Freundins


  1. Wonderful photo essay today about practicing happiness - and I so agree it is a muscle that has to be worked : > Love the pics of you and your father, especially. They made me well up, as I miss my dad so much and we used to have great fun like this. Thanks for sharing it with Visible Monday!

  2. Zalina, jedes Deiner Bilder strahlt aus, dass Du Dein Leben genießt und das Glück in vielen kleinen Dingen findest. Die Bilder von den alten Bäumen am Strand sind wunderbar. Joni und Du, Ihr macht beide wunderschöne Dinge. Ihre T-Shirts und Deine Armreifen passen gut zusammen.
    Lieben Gruss von Sabine

    1. Danke, Sabine

      Es ist schwierig, aber muss man es tun. Leben ist sehr wertvolle. Vor einige Jahren, habe ich sehr traurig sein weil ich nie verheiratet habe oder ich hatte kein guten Job oder meine Mutter ist gestorben oder fuhlte ich allein oder hatte ich kein ist immer etwas kann man sich traurig ueber fuehlen. Mehr und mehr, versuche ich zu schaetzen was ich habe. ich bin nicht erfolgreich die ganze Zeit, aber ich versuche.

      Ich mag dein Post.

  3. You are so kind! I'm currently practicing gratitude because I'm looking down at my handstamped cuff YOU made. I need more practice in being gracious to my in laws. ;)

    Those trees are really incredible! I've shopped along that same street a few years ago and not too far from there is a really bad motel I stayed in and wouldn't stay there again. I can't remember the name of it...Sand something.....?? Ocean Castle...something like that. DO NOT go in there. ;)

    Thank you Zalina!

    1. Hi Joni,

      You are funny! I heard in-laws can be tough to handle, but it sounds like you are doing a great job.

      Aren't those trees amazing!?! You were staying at the Pacific Sands Motel on Ocean Ave. I pass it all the time, when riding to the beach. I love the neon sign, but it does look a little shady.

      Until next time!

  4. Liebe Zalina!
    Es ist so schön wieder deinen Blog besuchen zu dürfen.Du hast sehr tolle Fotos und man schaut sie gern an und darf teihaben an deinem Leben.Deine Ausstrahlung bringt Zufriedenheit rüber und das ist wirkliche Schönheit.Wunderbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ganz liebe Grüße Annette
    Ich war jetzt über drei Wochen in den USA an der Ostküste

    1. Awww, danke, Annette. Das Wetter in Kalifornia war wunderbar. Hoffentlich, ging dir das Wetter an der Ostkueste gut. :0)

  5. it's all so beautiful! Xo, Megan,

  6. These are all wonderful pictures!

  7. Wonderful, uplifting post, Zalina, that I really needed to see this week. You look beautiful, by the way, while uplifting! You are quite right, and thank you for the happy moment you gave us while showing yours. I love it that your dad likes Karaoke ... looks like he's getting right into it. And isn't Joni amazing? We miss her a lot on Visible Monday!
    I'm also happy to see the bee doing his business ... good to see them anytime, and doing well!

    1. Thank you, Jan. Joni is fantastic. When I bought my t-shirts, she included a little gift that made me cry. It was really wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful week. practice happiness.

  8. Such a good reminder to practice happiness. My "Let it go" cuff must be working because I am letting go of some of my irritations at work. Only some - I need more practice!

    That's so cool you bought some of Joni's shirts. She's such a sweetheart!

  9. Really great post! I'm with you--I think happiness is a choice and needs to be practiced. The Miles Davis tee shirt is really cool and fun to see you doing a variety of things that foster a positive attitude. This is a great reminder that it is truly the simple things in life that make us the happiest.

    blue hue wonderland

  10. danke, liebe zalina!:) ein schöner post ist das!
    xoxox birgit


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