Bust it Out Anywhere! Photo Shoot

This weekend I took photos of MY PEACE of JEWELRY earrings at the beach on my self-made WO-MANNEQUIN head-n-bust bust.
Go here for step-by-step instructions WO-MANNEQUIN.
Having done my run on the beach in the sand, I had a photo session EARLY in the morning in front of the rings, well not too early (9:30am) before the tourists started walking the Venice Beach boardwalk.

Check out this video of this guy attacking the rings with amazing grace. I've tried them a few times, but I can't hold my ass up long enough to swing. I was sitting in this vicinity.
Well back to MY PEACE of JEWELRY photo shoot. After my run, I put on some LEVI's and t-shirt, I pulled out my bust, my WO-MANNEQUIN bust that is and headed to the nice wooden bleachers in front of the rings as my shooting location. Early in the morning before the tourist start taking over, it's really nice to be there.

The mannequin is really cool tool because it's very lightweight and can display different items from earrings, necklaces, hats and scarves.


 Click here for more Head-n-bust display options

This weekend I took a lot of photos of my earrings. If you like any of these items, they can be purchased on Etsy, by clicking on the link. I like mixing different textures. In this case, I paired these various wood beads with different textured accent beads.

Bayong Wood Earrings

I gotta be honest, this was outside my apartment. I love the earrings.
Brass-n-Ball Earrings 


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